Assam Board and University Latest Exam Results

09-Aug-2016 Bodoland University Corrigendum For MCA Entrance Exam 2016 Result MCA Entrance Exam 2016 List
08-Aug-2016 Bodoland University B.Ed Exam 2016 Result UG (Sem 2) Exam 2016 Result 07-Aug-2016 Bodoland University Notice for Modified Detailed Grade Sheet of (Sem 4) BioTechnology 06-Aug-2016 Bodoland University PG Regular (Sem 4) Exam 2016 Result 05-Aug-2016 Bodoland University PG FInal Exam 2016 Result PG Regular (Sem 2) Exam 2016 Result PG Repeat (Sem 2) Exam 2016 Result PG Repeat (Sem 4) Exam 2016 Result MCA (Sem 6) Exam 2016 Result 04-Aug-2016 Bodoland University Admissions-List of Candidates Selected for Hostel Admission and Last Date Announced for the Session 2016
Corrigendum for the Post of Assistant Professor BioTechnology Department List of Candidates for Appearing For the Entrance Examination of MCA 03-Aug-2016 Bodoland University Admissions-Provisional Second Selection List of Students for Admission in Department of History 2016 02-Aug-2016 ICSE P.G Regular 4th Sem (Assamese/English/Philosophy/Physics/Pol.Sc. & Sankrit) Exam Result 2016 01-Aug-2016 Bodoland University Admissions-Fresh Admission Notice for MBA 2016 Admissions-2nd Phase Shortlisted Candidate For Admission in Mathematical Sciences Department 01-Aug-2016 Srimanta Sankaradeva University of Health Sciences DM/MCh Entrance Exam 2016 Result Diploma In Paramedical Sciences Exam 2016 Result B.Sc Biotechnology (Sem 6) Exam 2016 Result M.Ch Entrance Examination Written Test (Stage 1) Exam 2016 Result M.Ch Entrance Examination (Surgical Oncology) Stage 3 Exam 2016 Result 29-Dec-2014 Dibrugarh University BA (Tamil) Sociology & Bachelor of Social Work Nov 2014 Exam Result 29-Dec-2014 Srimanta Sankaradeva University of Health Sciences BA (Tamil) Sociology & Bachelor of Social Work Nov 2014 Exam Result 29-Dec-2014 Bodoland University BA (Tamil) Sociology & Bachelor of Social Work Nov 2014 Exam Result 16-Dec-2014 Dibrugarh University LL.B. (Sem 9) Dec 2014 Supplementary Exam Result 16-Dec-2014 Srimanta Sankaradeva University of Health Sciences LL.B. (Sem 9) Dec 2014 Supplementary Exam Result 20-Mar-2014 Bodoland University MA Journalism & Mass Communication (Sem 1) Result MA Journalism & Mass Communication (Sem 1) Result MA Journalism & Mass Communication (Sem 1) Result MA Journalism & Mass Communication (Sem 1) Result 20-Mar-2014 Dibrugarh University MA Journalism & Mass Communication (Sem 1) Result MA Journalism & Mass Communication (Sem 1) Result 20-Mar-2014 Srimanta Sankaradeva University of Health Sciences MA Journalism & Mass Communication (Sem 1) Result MA Journalism & Mass Communication (Sem 1) Result MA Journalism & Mass Communication (Sem 1) Result 11-Jan-2014 Dibrugarh University T33 B.TECH MARINE SEM 3 RESULT 11-Jan-2014 Srimanta Sankaradeva University of Health Sciences T33 B.TECH MARINE SEM 3 RESULT
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Secondary Board Of Education Assam SEBA 2018

Knowing the SEBA result publishing date of the Pre-exam year will be given an idea for the present year result publishing date. Last year, the exam was completed in the last month of March – April.the board announces the result on 30 May 2018.  The aspirants told about this date was too late that means not enough time for our career. It is anticipated that the trend for the publishing of Assam board (SEBA)10th Result 2018 will be the same as that of the Pre-exam year. The board has decided to follow this trend for the upcoming years as well as the favor of the student. 

As per SEBA or Secondary Education Board of Assam, the result publishing of 10th exam under Assam board is announce in the last week of May 2018, same year. Today, the internet has made everything easier for us. Checking the SEBA result is quite easy for the aspirants because the Secondary Examination Board of Assam has decided to announce the Assam board 10th Result 2018 online in board official site i.e. or

There are a number of websites from where you should check your result by searching the google. These websites postulate all information about the results. The aspirants need to check the relevant website regularly so that they will get their result on is one of the most relevant websites from where aspirants can easily get their SEBA result. You can also get your result through SMS. 

aspirants have known as SEBA, the Secondary Education Board of Assam is the primary custodian of high school level education in the state Assam from across India.The aspiring student will plain there Career path as per Assam.

SEBA looks after the progress, promotion, managing, and expansion of high school education in the state for students'up to date class 10.You must have worked hard during your exam time. The board also organises the yearly Assam High School Certificate (HSLC) Exam every year in the month of February – March.and the Assam board is will be declared the 10th result on the month of May-June 2018.

SEBA the digital initiative of the government further, the Secondary board of education Assam SEBA will be announced the Assam 10th Result 2018 online by Google on their official website i.e. or you can check result on this site due to heavy rush, the website might suffer from some technical glitches that might cause a delay in checking Assam HSLC (10th) Result 2018. 

 That's a process forget 10th Result 2018 Online

    1.  Open your internet browser
    2. Go Assam board official site or
    3.  Click on roll number
    4.  Fill your roll number or registration ID
    5.  Click the submit button
    6.  The page will show the result.
    7. The process will be completed.
    8. Thanks for following.

SEBA Board examinations are always prepared for every student. aspirants appearing for the 10th board examination have to go through a roller coaster of feelings. They are excited about the boards as well as at the actual time they are serious about the results. In all likelihood, the Assam 10th Result will be announced on time, as per the annual academic rule followed by the SEBA. Once announced by the board, the aspirants will be able to check their SEBA 10th Result 2018 online direct on this page or this updated site  


Exam Name

Exam Date

Exam Result Date


10th Exam

16th February – 10th March


Assam Class 12 Exam

23rd February – 23rd March


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